
Kill Sinus Infection In 20 Seconds With This Simple Method And This Common Household Ingredient!

It call comes down to pushing your tongue against the roof of your mouth and placing the thumb in between your eyebrows. You need to pressure the area you are holding with your thumb for 20 seconds. The first results come almost immediately, followed by sinus drainage. Step-by-step method The nasal cavity holds a bone, also known as the Vomer bone, which is placed vertically in the cavity. Lisa De Stefano, D.O., an assistant professor at the Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, assures us that this method is very successful because it allows the Vomer bone to move back and forth. This ultimately treats congestion and empties the sinuses by draining. The ingredient that can also help you to kill sinus infection is apple cider vinegar! The marvels that apple cider vinegar brings just can’t stop rising. Its benefits are widely appreciated by the world’s population, and in this article we present how this magical liquid can cure your sinus infection ...

You Will Not Believe What Will Happen If You Spray Your Bed With Alcohol?

If you get some cosmetic products and read on the back of them, you will see that most of these products contain alcohol, usually as a disinfectant and adhesive substance. If you are struggling with bed bugs, now you can easily destroy them by using rubbing alcohol. You just have to spray the mattress and pillows, and after a couple of times, your bed will be completely free of these bugs. It can also be used for many other purposes like: Skin cleanser Cosmetic products for acne usually have benzyl peroxide inside. However, rubbing alcohol has anti-inflammatory effects that soothe the affected skin, disinfect pimples, and prevent appearance of acne. Just apply it on the affected area. Cold Sores treatment Almost 85 % of the world population has herpes virus, but only some experience a break put. If you are one of those, apply 70 % isopropyl alcohol on the affected area, and watch the positive results! Deodorant Replacement You can use alcohol as a deodorant replaceme...

You’ve been drinking water wrong your entire life: How to lose weight with every glass you drink

I think that most of us know by now that water is essential to our survival. We’ve probably also all heard doctors say that drinking roughly eight glasses a day is ideal. However, what most people don’t know is that warm water and hot water have some exclusive benefits of their own that you just can’t get when you drink water cold. Here are 12 benefits of drinking hot water: 1. Weight Loss Hot water is great for maintaining a healthy metabolism, which is what you want if you’re trying to shed a few kilos. The best way to do this is to kick start your metabolism early in the morning with a glass of hot water and lemon. As an added bonus, hot water will help to break down the adipose tissue (aka body fat) in your body. 2. Assists with Nasal and Throat Congestion Drinking hot water is an excellent natural remedy for colds, coughs and a sore throat. It dissolves phlegm and also helps to remove it from your respiratory tract. As such, it can provide relief from a sore throat. It al...

The Lemon Water Mistake Millions of People Make Every Morning

When we talk about lemons we can generally get the taste of them too!  We feel the sourness of them on our tongue.  Think about when you eat a lemon.  Your lips pucker up, you make that funny shaking movement with your mouth and your eyes may water. Lemons are filled with vitamin C and fresh lemon juice can easily give you your daily necessary quota of Vitamin C.  Lemons are also filled with potassium, magnesium and copper, and excellent electrolytes. Lemons are sour.  But they are also so beneficial for our health and there is a good way, and a tasty and delicious way, to enjoy lemons. The thing about a lemon is that you want to enjoy the health benefit of the WHOLE lemon. This includes the peel.  So if you are ordering hot water with lemon slices in a restaurant it is not going to be nearly as beneficial as the following recipe. Try this Lemon water recipe Pick a few lemons off your tree.  (or buy a few organic lemons) Slice them in...

This Is The HEALTHIEST Food In The World: It Eliminates Cancer Cells, Viruses, Diseases And It Slows Down The Aging Process!

Yes, you read that right! Today we are going to talk about the chokeberry’s amazing healing properties, packed with vitamins C, A, E, B2, B6, B9, and the rarest vitamin of all – Vitamin P. It also contains minerals such as iron, calcium and phosphorous and is extremely rich in antioxidants. This incredibly delicious plant does wonder when it comes to protecting the body from many chronic diseases and infections. Thanks to its anti-cancer properties it kills the cancer cells and it eliminates the free radicals in the body while at the same time preventing tumors from growing in the lungs, breasts, intestines and brain. Studies have shown that this plant also boosts the blood circulation and protects the cardiovascular system. The Chokeberry is also known for its ability to boost the immune system, to treat inflammation, prevent viruses and bad bacteria from harming the body, and it regulates the blood pressure. The chokeberry’s delicious fruits contain high amounts of bet...

If You Have Bad Knee Pain, THIS Simple Trick Will Give You Instant Relief!

Knee pain can be debilitating.  It can stop you from doing the most simple of tasks and can change the quality of your life.  An enjoyable walk to the store can be excrutiating.  You have to turn down invitations for hikes, cannot dance at parties and sometimes, cannot play with your own children. Knee pain can be a symptom of osteoarthritis.  Getting this under control can be tricky.  Most people, from middle age onwards, experience knee pain.  Sometimes it comes from a loss of space between the bones and the cartilage and it is really painful. There are ways to help your knee pain.  You can see a doctor or a physiotherapist.  There is medication you can take, anti-inflammatory and also exercise.  These things are expensive and if you have the time and the right attitude, you can sort out your knee pain on your own, at home.

VIDEO: I Can’t Believe I Never Thought To Cut A Watermelon Like THIS. This Is So Smart…

Have you ever wondered if there was an easier and more effective way of cutting your melon? Like most people I tend to cut my watermelon the traditional way and this has led to a lot of wastage over the years until now! This method of cutting your watermelon will.. Give you more of the fruit to eat Give you simple easy to eat chunks Stop wastage and prevent messy chopping surface and kitchen. How Is It Done? First, cut your watermelon. Next, slice through the rind and do this all the way round the central part of the fruit. By so doing the fruit will be cut in half. Then you have to flip the melon so that the two halves are on their ends. Take off the peel. Next, you need to chop off the top end and clean out the white rind. Chop the watermelon into simple slices, you should turn your chopping board at a 90 degree angle and then chop once more counter clockwise. Get a bowl that can conveniently fit the top of your watermelon. Get hold of your chopping board and...